Add an Event

Simply fill in the form below (you need to be logged in). Don’t want to do that? Email me all the details, including date,  event description, venue & organiser details.

OPTIONAL  – only fill in this payment section if you want your event promoted, otherwise scroll down to the lower form:
[wp_paypal_payment] [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/events-pdfs/%username%” fitmode=”responsive” uploadrole=”administrator,author” uploadpatterns=”*.pdf*” maxsize=”2″ createpath=”true” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/subfolders/userdata/message/progressbar” uploadtitle=”You can upload a schedule, entry form, poster, flier – it must be a PDF and can be up to 2Mb only with no dots in the filename please. Once you have selected a pdf file, click upload the file. If you have multiple pdf’s to upload, you’ll need to upload them one at a time.” selectbutton=”Select a File” uploadbutton=”Upload the File” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”” notifyheaders=”Schedule has been uploaded” notifysubject=”Pdf Event File Just Uploaded” notifymessage=”A new schedule, entry form or other pdf has just been uploaded and is attached to this email. Alternatively, it can be accessed by using ftp to the website and finding the folder in the wp-content – uploads folder.” attachfile=”true”]

  • NB. PLEASE LEAVE ‘EVENT LINK’ BLANK.  Instead, to add a website link, put the full url including the http or https in the field labelled ‘Link to Website’.
  • If you upload an image as a featured image, it must be 8mb or smaller.
  • If you need to add more than one event, refresh the page before adding the next one.
  • If you are unsure of any options, leave them blank (unless there’s a * next to the field) and then if necessary, add a note in the ‘Note to Reviewer’ box.

Please Login/Register in order to submit new events.